What's the overall cost of living in Bastimentos, Panama?
Your overall cost of living in Bastimentos will vary widely depending on your lifestyle. Do you like to eat out everyday or will you cook for yourself? Will you eat simply and local foods, or do you like to buy imported items? You can rent a room and share a kitchen in a house for $150 per month or you can rent a fully furnished home for $2,000. By and large, rents are a bit cheaper in Bastimentos Town than they are in Bocas town. However, you then need to add transport...
Your overall cost of living in Bastimentos will vary widely depending on your lifestyle. Do you like to eat out everyday or will you cook for yourself? Will you eat simply and local foods, or do you like to buy imported items? You can rent a room and share a kitchen in a house for $150 per month or you can rent a fully furnished home for $2,000. By and large, rents are a bit cheaper in Bastimentos Town than they are in Bocas town. However, you then need to add transport to your budget. It will cost you around $6 per round trip, per person to go from Bastimentos Town to Bocas Town. The best way to figure out your overall cost would be to see how you live right now and how much your groceries cost you and get a sense of restaurant prices by looking on this web site for answers provided. Once you have an idea of where you would like to live, you can also peruse this site for ideas on costs, to either rent or buy. I know people who live here very very simply on less than $500 per month and others who need at least $4,000. Transport will also be higher if you live in a remote place on Bastimentos Island.
Posted April 27, 2013