How much does it cost for a gardener in Bastimentos, Panama?
The minimum daily salary for non skilled labor is currently $14. Please note minimum wages are fixed by the government and can change from time to time. In addition to the $14, employees in Panama receive a 13th month salary, paid in 4 payments, and one month vacation which totals in $ what you would normally pay them over the period of one month. There is a 25% social security payment that has to be made each month. The employer pays half and the employee the other half. If you do...
The minimum daily salary for non skilled labor is currently $14. Please note minimum wages are fixed by the government and can change from time to time. In addition to the $14, employees in Panama receive a 13th month salary, paid in 4 payments, and one month vacation which totals in $ what you would normally pay them over the period of one month. There is a 25% social security payment that has to be made each month. The employer pays half and the employee the other half. If you do not need a full time gardener, you can draft an employment contract stating less days per week or less hours per day.
Posted April 27, 2013