What would my neighbors be like in Bastimentos, Panama?
Dennis Dean Smith - DennisDeanSmith
What would your neighbors be like in Bastimentos?
That is difficult to answer. Some generalities are that the population is a mix of...
- People whose ancestors migrated from the West Indies and other Caribbean islands. (These are considered to be the Bastimentos natives.)
- Expats - Mainly American, Canadian and European (The majority are German, Spanish and Italian for some reason). Note: the Expats generally own the pensiones,...
What would your neighbors be like in Bastimentos?
That is difficult to answer. Some generalities are that the population is a mix of...
- People whose ancestors migrated from the West Indies and other Caribbean islands. (These are considered to be the Bastimentos natives.)
- Expats - Mainly American, Canadian and European (The majority are German, Spanish and Italian for some reason). Note: the Expats generally own the pensiones, hotels and restaurants.
- Ngoba Bugle Indigenous Indians.
- Few or no Asians.
Whoever your neighbor ends up being, you will probably find them to be friendly and helpful. And, a lot of fun to know.
Posted February 2, 2014