What's the crime rate in general in Bastimentos, Panama?
kevin obrien - BarefootPanama
The crime rate in Bastimentos, Panama is low because most of the island is uninhabited. There is no crime on most of the island because there are no people. The town of Bastimentos is relatively safe because it is such a small town.
Now that the new Red Frog beach development opened up a path towards the main road, there are a lot more people there; so from the marina all the way to the beach, it is safer than in the past. The trail that goes...
The crime rate in Bastimentos, Panama is low because most of the island is uninhabited. There is no crime on most of the island because there are no people. The town of Bastimentos is relatively safe because it is such a small town.
Now that the new Red Frog beach development opened up a path towards the main road, there are a lot more people there; so from the marina all the way to the beach, it is safer than in the past. The trail that goes up to Wizard Beach, however, is unsafe. (Wizard Beach is in the picture here.) That is probably the best place to get robbed and it has always been like that. The victims of robbery on that trail do not get much help from the police, either. Every time I go there, I always hear news that somebody was robbed on that trail and it has been twelve years of that same story. Many tourists flock to Wizard Beach because that part of Bastimentos has decent surf, but unfortunately, for the people who are visiting, the chances of being robbed on that beach are pretty high.
Overall, the crime rate in Bastimentos is still low because most of the remaining parts of the island, other than Red Frog beach and Wizard beach, are uninhabited. In addition, there are not a lot of places that you can run to if you commit a crime in an island, because everywhere you go, you will end up at the sea.
Posted October 20, 2014
Cher Roof
Murder on bastimentos Feb 4 2017
Murder on bastimentos Feb 4 2017
Posted March 25, 2017