How many Americans, Canadians, and other expats live in Panama?
Elizabeth Vance - The Gringo Guide To Panama: What To Know Before You Go
Posted April 20, 2013
Alan Filliger - Alana la Casa del Arte
Posted July 25, 2013
Terry Bradford
The expats here in Panama are from different countries. I would say, generally most of the expats come from the US and Canada and they have set up organizations over here in Panama, which any expat is able to join. There is a Scottish society, too. There are several different expat societies here in Panama, but you do not necessarily have to be Canadian to belong to the Canadian society and you do not have to be Scottish to belong to the Scottish society.
These societies...
The expats here in Panama are from different countries. I would say, generally most of the expats come from the US and Canada and they have set up organizations over here in Panama, which any expat is able to join. There is a Scottish society, too. There are several different expat societies here in Panama, but you do not necessarily have to be Canadian to belong to the Canadian society and you do not have to be Scottish to belong to the Scottish society.
These societies have a mailing list and they send out invites and notifications on when and where the next meeting or event will be. So you will always be updated on any social events that they organize and you can always join. You will see people whom you have business with four years ago or even people whom you have just met a couple of weeks ago.
There is an organization called the American Society, which has been around since 1931. Originally, it was composed of Zonians (Americans who grew up and lived in the Panama Canal Zone their whole lives) but as more expats come to Panama, they have opened to any American expat who have moved here to Panama. Some organizations were formed during the times of the original construction of the Panama Canal.
Posted October 3, 2014
Daryl Ries - Keller Williams Panama, associate
Posted December 2, 2016