How much does it cost for a gardener in Panama?
Judith Tovar - Easy Travel Panama
Finding a gardener in Panama is "not" hard to find. There are also companies that offer "gardening" services for a monthly fee.
Remember in Panama we have the "rainy season" from April to November...and then the not rainy season (summer) December, January, February and March.
During the rainy season you do not have to water your yard...but do have to cut the grass. During the summer months you...
Finding a gardener in Panama is "not" hard to find. There are also companies that offer "gardening" services for a monthly fee.
Remember in Panama we have the "rainy season" from April to November...and then the not rainy season (summer) December, January, February and March.
During the rainy season you do not have to water your yard...but do have to cut the grass. During the summer months you have to water the yard..but not cut the grass very much.
Posted April 8, 2013
Alan Filliger - Alana la Casa del Arte
My wife and I hired a gardener a few times. We paid him $15 a day. He did a good job the first time he worked for us, but later on he started to slack off and didn't do all the work we asked him to do. He wanted to work "his way", even if we asked him to do things differently.
We felt the gardener's fee was OK, but we didn't appreciate that he did not like grooming our property the way we wanted it done. My wife and I are both...
My wife and I hired a gardener a few times. We paid him $15 a day. He did a good job the first time he worked for us, but later on he started to slack off and didn't do all the work we asked him to do. He wanted to work "his way", even if we asked him to do things differently.
We felt the gardener's fee was OK, but we didn't appreciate that he did not like grooming our property the way we wanted it done. My wife and I are both good at gardening and we enjoy the work. Now we do all of our own gardening. We do the work when it needs doing, not when the gardener is available; plus we get satisfaction and good exercise in the process.
Posted August 1, 2013
Lourdes Townshend
Service fees, or salaries, vary depending on where you live. If you are in the city of Panama, the cost would be the highest. But if you are in the "interior", or countryside it would be according to the importance of that particular town. Also, because of the "booming" in construction all over the country, people who used to work in various other fields have decided to work in the construction field because they get much better...
Service fees, or salaries, vary depending on where you live. If you are in the city of Panama, the cost would be the highest. But if you are in the "interior", or countryside it would be according to the importance of that particular town. Also, because of the "booming" in construction all over the country, people who used to work in various other fields have decided to work in the construction field because they get much better salaries, which creates vacancies in other jobs.
If you have a good piece of land and need a formal gardener and you hire him on a monthly basis, it could easily go up to approximately $400, or even more if the house is a beautiful property and requires sophisticated work, or is situated in a high income neighborhood. For jobs in a more modest homes, it could vary between $150 and up, depending on the size of the land, or type of garden. You can also chose on a daily basis...starting at $15 per day.
The best advice is to get a gardener who lives near to your home, and if possible, to also hire the wife for cleaning or cooking. These services used to be very low in the past, but have been changing as more and more foreigners come to live here, and any price is acceptable to them compared to their country of origin, especially if you live in a gated foreign complex. For example: cutting the grass once a month on 2 acres could cost about $125 with machete. If your grass is well groomed, then, you can use a lawn machine. Many options to chose, though.
Posted August 2, 2013
Liliana Santanach - Transport Services Corporation
In the general Panama City area, you can expect to pay $12 - $15 per job for a gardener for a standard yard, perhaps a bit less in some circumstances. You will pay more in the higher end or more Americanized areas and less in the outlying areas.
In the general Panama City area, you can expect to pay $12 - $15 per job for a gardener for a standard yard, perhaps a bit less in some circumstances. You will pay more in the higher end or more Americanized areas and less in the outlying areas.
Posted August 20, 2013
A gardener in Panama can cost anywhere from $15 to $20 for 3 to 4 hours of gardening work.
A gardener in Panama can cost anywhere from $15 to $20 for 3 to 4 hours of gardening work.
Posted October 10, 2013
Mark Hurt
see question about maid.
see question about maid.
Posted February 25, 2014
Bill Hamilton - Bill Hamilton
The cost for a gardener in Panama will depend on where you live. A gardener in Panama City will cost US $20 a day. In Calobre, where we live now, out in the country, where prices are less, we pay them US $14. That is for a whole day’s work.
If you come to an agreement to pay a gardener per month, it would cost you US $90, which would probably make them quite happy. You would have the gardener coming in for about three days a week, clearing everything out, planting...
If you come to an agreement to pay a gardener per month, it would cost you US $90, which would probably make them quite happy. You would have the gardener coming in for about three days a week, clearing everything out, planting...
The cost for a gardener in Panama will depend on where you live. A gardener in Panama City will cost US $20 a day. In Calobre, where we live now, out in the country, where prices are less, we pay them US $14. That is for a whole day’s work.
If you come to an agreement to pay a gardener per month, it would cost you US $90, which would probably make them quite happy. You would have the gardener coming in for about three days a week, clearing everything out, planting everything you want.
I’ll give you an example. In Calobre, I had a big palm tree that had lots of spiky leaves on it that were dead on the bottom and needed trimming. We hired a local guy here. He got up there with a machete, worked for half a day, cleared everything up and it cost me $10.
If you come to an agreement to pay a gardener per month, it would cost you US $90, which would probably make them quite happy. You would have the gardener coming in for about three days a week, clearing everything out, planting everything you want.
I’ll give you an example. In Calobre, I had a big palm tree that had lots of spiky leaves on it that were dead on the bottom and needed trimming. We hired a local guy here. He got up there with a machete, worked for half a day, cleared everything up and it cost me $10.
Posted January 2, 2015
Michael A. Martinez - B & B Real Estate Nicaragua / Panama Real Estate Information
For a full sized home, you can have a full time gardener for around US $200 per month. Full time here in Panama is not exactly like full time in the US, so do not expect that they will work exactly 8 hours a day. Here, they can start at around 6 AM and end at around noon, depending on your arrangement. Overall, the cost for a gardener is around $15 to $18 for a day, depending on how long their day will be. It is the general average across the country, but as you get closer to...
For a full sized home, you can have a full time gardener for around US $200 per month. Full time here in Panama is not exactly like full time in the US, so do not expect that they will work exactly 8 hours a day. Here, they can start at around 6 AM and end at around noon, depending on your arrangement. Overall, the cost for a gardener is around $15 to $18 for a day, depending on how long their day will be. It is the general average across the country, but as you get closer to Panama City, the rates could go higher.
In through the coastal areas of western Azuero having your maid come in every day, the cheapest rate here is probably $15 to $18 per day. But I think maids can be gotten for $10 a day; that low, if you give them enough work.
It is very different here compared to the more upscale and trendier areas of Azuero or the beach communities outside of Panama City. Yesterday I was at a restaurant in a little town here called Mari Hato, which is about 2 kilometers (about 1.2 miles) off the beach. The beach in that area is called Playa Reyna. We just opened a real estate office here in Torio. It is a brand new building where we built a restaurant, which will probably be opening in the next 90 days in March.
I talked to a woman who has a restaurant there. I had whole fried fish, rice with patacones, which is fried plantains (pictured above), and lemonade and my bill was $4. Where can you get a meal like that for only $4?
I asked that woman how much I would have to pay for someone to cook at my Mexican Taco Grill. She said $15 per day. That is what they get per day. The cost also depends on what they will do for you.
When you are talking about a company like ours, and starting a new restaurant, our cost will probably be a little more because we fall under the scrutiny of taxes and have other considerations with which me must comply, as a business. We also probably have to add some money to Social Security and all the other things that a business has to do in order to pay their legal employees, so if you open a business here, your labor costs will be a little higher.
Posted January 30, 2015
David De Franco Levi - DEFRANCORP- Business Consultants

In Panama City, there is not that much need for gardeners because there are not that many gardens on account of there not being really a lot of space for gardens....

In Panama City, there is not that much need for gardeners because there are not that many gardens on account of there not being really a lot of space for gardens. Most people in Panama City live in apartments, as opposed to houses.
If it's simple gardening, for example, in my house, we have our grass cut once a week, we pay our gardener $7 to get all the grass cut. I don’t consider this gardening per se; it's just getting the grass cut and some of the trees and bushes trimmed, and that’s it.
(Pictured: Apartment buildings in the more urban area of Panama City, Panama.)
Posted June 11, 2015
Duncan McGowan - Punta Pacifica Realty

However, we also have what are called “the reverted areas,” which border the Panama Canal on either side and which used to be under US control and considered a US territory. In these areas, you will see mostly houses with big beautiful yards. In these areas you could probably get a gardener who comes a couple of times a week who looks...

However, we also have what are called “the reverted areas,” which border the Panama Canal on either side and which used to be under US control and considered a US territory. In these areas, you will see mostly houses with big beautiful yards. In these areas you could probably get a gardener who comes a couple of times a week who looks after your garden for $150 to $$200 a month.
(Balboa Heights in one of the reverted areas in the Panama Cana Zone, pictured.)
Posted August 22, 2015
Kathya de Chong - Alto Boquete Condominios

The minimum salary for gardeners, cleaning service, and other similar kinds of services can be around $300 a month. A gardener who works casually can charge around $20-$30 per week or per visit. The area where you live...

The minimum salary for gardeners, cleaning service, and other similar kinds of services can be around $300 a month. A gardener who works casually can charge around $20-$30 per week or per visit. The area where you live is also a factor in the rates a gardener may charge. If you have a big lawn or garden that he will have to tend to, the gardener may charge more.
For example, if you had a 1,000 sq. meter lot (about a quarter of an acre,) with a lot of plants and you have a gardener come in once a week for 8 hours to take care of everything, it would cost roughly $20 - $25 per week.
(Landscape around Alto Boquete Condominiums, Boquete, Panama, pictured.)
Posted July 22, 2017