What are the main cities, towns, communities and developments of the Granada, Nicaragua area and what is each one like?
Janice Gallagher - Granada Property Services
Granada is a city but it is also a department of
Nicaragua. It is the largest city in the department but there are several other cities within a 30 minute drive of Granada. The "White Towns" of Diria, Diriomo and Catarina are at a higher altitude and tend to be a bit cooler. There are not many ex- pats in these small towns at this time but people are starting to look in that direction.

Another area that is drawing foreigners is the Laguna...
Granada is a city but it is also a department of
Nicaragua. It is the largest city in the department but there are several other cities within a 30 minute drive of Granada. The "White Towns" of Diria, Diriomo and Catarina are at a higher altitude and tend to be a bit cooler. There are not many ex- pats in these small towns at this time but people are starting to look in that direction.

Another area that is drawing foreigners is the Laguna de Apoyo located just 20 minutes or so from Granada. This is a beautiful lagoon in the center of an extinct volcanic crater. The Laguna is also a Natural Reserve so it is protected in order to preserve its beauty. There are several homes, hotels, hostels and restaurants on the lakefront as well as on the rim. Many foreigners are moving to this area as the temperature is cooler and the surroundings are magnificent.
Posted February 12, 2014
Carlos Roman Gutierrez Solis - Casa Granada Properties
You can buy real estate in Nicaragua even as a foreigner. In fact, 90% of my buyers are from other countries. There are no restrictions for any citizen of the world to come to Nicaragua and buy a property. You don’t even have to live full time here. You just have to bring your passport, review the title, you can send the money and we’ll buy the property in your name, register the property in your name, and you start paying taxes in your name. Then that property...
You can buy real estate in Nicaragua even as a foreigner. In fact, 90% of my buyers are from other countries. There are no restrictions for any citizen of the world to come to Nicaragua and buy a property. You don’t even have to live full time here. You just have to bring your passport, review the title, you can send the money and we’ll buy the property in your name, register the property in your name, and you start paying taxes in your name. Then that property actually becomes your residence here in Nicaragua, which is good.
If you buy a property that costs $30,000 or more that is a good thing to use once you are applying for a residency here in Nicaragua. The minimum investment that you have to prove in Nicaragua is $30,000 to get a permanent resident visa. If you are married and you are applying for a residency in Nicaragua, you don’t have to buy an investment of $30,000 each. You, your spouse, and your kids can use the same property as your minimum investment requirement. The minimum investment requirement is $30,000 per person or for the whole family.
Posted December 16, 2014
Jewel Tolentino

You can tell the difference...

You can tell the difference between the upper class, the middle class, the lower middle class by how close their houses are to the center of Granada. When you move from block to block, you will be able to tell the difference between the neighborhoods right away. The bigger houses are always close to the center. You will see those bigger houses just two to three blocks away from the center and obviously, those families are the ones with more money. They would be the landowners of farms. When you move further out the center, around five to six blocks, you will see how the streets and the types of houses and the type of people change. And the middle lower class live about 7 to 10 blocks away from the center.
Posted December 17, 2014
Carlos Roman Gutierrez Solis - Casa Granada Properties

You can tell the difference...

You can tell the difference between the upper class, the middle class, the lower middle class by how close their houses are to the center of Granada. When you move from block to block, you will be able to tell the difference between the neighborhoods right away. The bigger houses are always close to the center. You will see those bigger houses just two to three blocks away from the center, and obviously those families are the ones with more money. They would be the landowners of farms. When you move further out the center, around five to six blocks, you will see how the streets and the types of houses and the type of people change. The middle lower class live about seven to ten blocks away from the center.
Posted December 17, 2014
Esmerelda Vargas - Schuvar Tours

Then there is the other side of Granada where there are more of the locals, as opposed to tourists and foreign residents. In this area you have the cemetery and you have the people who live there that are poorer.
You will see a lot of churches around Granada, which is something that Granada is known for. You will find more than ten churches all over the city. You will also see a combination of old houses, colonial houses and outside of Granada you will also see more old houses. It’s a combination. As you move towards the center of Granada, you will see better construction of the homes and more wealthy areas. As you move away from the center of Granada, you will see more local people living there.
The two main streets in Granada, Nicaragua are Calle La Calzada and La Calle Atravesada. These streets intersect towards the center of Granada. One is the street that you use to go to the actual center of Granada and the other one goes to the lake. Calle Atravesada is a broad, divided street with a center area that has trees on it. Calle La Calzada is where the big houses of Granada were built a long time ago. Rich people live on that street where they have their big houses for many years. That’s also the street where you will find the market where you can buy food and everything else that you need. Calle La Calzada is a street where you will find just just houses and some churches. Calle La Calzada is also where there are lots of restaurants and that’s where the foreigners go at night. There are trees in the middle of the street and they hang over on both sides.
(Pictured: Granada, Nicaragua Cathedral with lake in the background.)
Posted June 8, 2015