How many Americans, Canadians and other expats live in Granada, Nicaragua?
John-Marc Gallagher - GPS Real Estate
It is hard to determine how many expat Americans, Canadians and Europeans are actually living in Granada, Nicaragua. But I can tell you there are about 10 times as many as there were 10 years ago, and growing.
There are those who live in Granada, Nicaragua full time, I would guess around 250-300. Then there are those who bought second homes and are still traveling back and forth from Granada to their home countries, so we see them...
It is hard to determine how many expat Americans, Canadians and Europeans are actually living in Granada, Nicaragua. But I can tell you there are about 10 times as many as there were 10 years ago, and growing.
There are those who live in Granada, Nicaragua full time, I would guess around 250-300. Then there are those who bought second homes and are still traveling back and forth from Granada to their home countries, so we see them for a few months or weeks, they leave and when they return, it is a whole new party all over again.
There seems to be a growing population of younger expats, the "thirty somethings," who are coming down not to retire, but to live a more gentle, rural and more natural life. Some have children. Many are starting businesses. Some are working out of their homes on line for companies up north. This group shows us old folks that we should have started our exit strategy much earlier and shouldn't have waited until we were sixty to get the Heck out Dodge!
It is good to see this migration of younger faces and youthful exuberance for life and adventure.
Posted April 2, 2014
Esmerelda Vargas - Schuvar Tours

A large proportion of the local population in Granada is middle to lower class, and live in certain neighborhoods around Granada. The...

A large proportion of the local population in Granada is middle to lower class, and live in certain neighborhoods around Granada. The foreign people tend to live in the other areas, which are the more touristic areas. The center of Granada is the more touristic or foreign area and that’s where you will see most of the foreigners but around the outskirts it will be mainly Nicaraguans.
The expats that you would see in Granada are a combination of Americans, Latin, Canadians, and Europeans, so there is a combination of cultures here. As you move towards the center, Granada becomes more and more of an international city.
Pictured: Granada, Nicaragua, central, more touristic area
Posted June 14, 2015