How's the golf in and around Nicaragua?
Mike Cobb - ECI Development
Golf in Nicaragua is slowly getting established. There are four courses in the country, three at the beach and one in Managua. Guacalito has 18 holes on the beach. Gran Pacifica and Iguana have 9 holes on the beach open for play right now. The Nejapa Country Club in Managua has 18 holes open for play.
Golf in Nicaragua is slowly getting established. There are four courses in the country, three at the beach and one in Managua. Guacalito has 18 holes on the beach. Gran Pacifica and Iguana have 9 holes on the beach open for play right now. The Nejapa Country Club in Managua has 18 holes open for play.
Posted January 19, 2014
Mario Robleto - SAENICSA Accounting and Tax Services

There are lots of golf courses on the Pacific side of Nicaragua, which is where by large all the expats are. There are golf courses north of San Juan Del Sur, all the way up to the beaches of Managua, and in Managua itself. In these areas there are...

There are lots of golf courses on the Pacific side of Nicaragua, which is where by large all the expats are. There are golf courses north of San Juan Del Sur, all the way up to the beaches of Managua, and in Managua itself. In these areas there are many, many places to play golf, some of them world class.
(Oceanside golf course in the Gran Pacifica master plan community, Nicaragua, pictured.)
Posted September 29, 2015
Dr. Carlos Alemán - Centro de Diseño Denta (Clínica Dental)

However, in general, golf is not yet big in Nicaragua. There are only two very nice places in the whole country where you can play golf, though it is not yet well developed. There is a very big touristic place in Rivas called...

However, in general, golf is not yet big in Nicaragua. There are only two very nice places in the whole country where you can play golf, though it is not yet well developed. There is a very big touristic place in Rivas called Guacalito de La Isla (or Mukul), located in the southern part of Nicaragua near San Juan del Sur. It is owned by the Pellas family. They have the best golf course to play in Central America. They just spent millions of dollar doing that. It’s a touristic place where you can go fishing and play golf.
(The golf course at Guacalito de La Isla, Nicaragua, pictured.)
Posted December 5, 2016