What's the cost for home or apartment renter's insurance in Nicaragua?
Mario Acevedo
In Nicaragua, the feature of renter´s insurance is not as popular as it is in other countries. Nevertheless, insurance companies are able to provide you with a policy that adapts to your needs.
In this case, they will insure the property, the furniture, and whatever you think would be necessary in case of any inconvenience. In the best scenario, you just provide a detailed list of the items that you want to be covered.
In Nicaragua, the feature of renter´s insurance is not as popular as it is in other countries. Nevertheless, insurance companies are able to provide you with a policy that adapts to your needs.
In this case, they will insure the property, the furniture, and whatever you think would be necessary in case of any inconvenience. In the best scenario, you just provide a detailed list of the items that you want to be covered.
Posted May 15, 2014
Frank Martínez

Most people in Nicaragua do not have renter’s insurance and it is not common. People tend not to buy it because we do not build from scraps or light materials that can catch fire quickly. You hardly ever see a fire here and that’s because we build with...

Most people in Nicaragua do not have renter’s insurance and it is not common. People tend not to buy it because we do not build from scraps or light materials that can catch fire quickly. You hardly ever see a fire here and that’s because we build with concrete. Nothing is going to happen to concrete unless you have a gas tank explosion, which happens rarely as well. We do not have hurricanes and typhoons. We have earthquakes, but they don’t d anything to the houses. Nobody uses the home or apartment renter’s insurance because you can hardly and rarely see a house on fire.
(Condo in Managua, Nicaragua, pictured.)
Posted April 15, 2015
Mario Robleto - SAENICSA Accounting and Tax Services

The insurance market here in Nicaragua is very small and lacks in variety. I’m not even sure if renter’s insurance exists here. The most “renter’s insurance” that exists here are iron bars on windows and doors. That’s the best renter’s insurance you can get.
I rent and I do not have...

The insurance market here in Nicaragua is very small and lacks in variety. I’m not even sure if renter’s insurance exists here. The most “renter’s insurance” that exists here are iron bars on windows and doors. That’s the best renter’s insurance you can get.
I rent and I do not have renter’s insurance. Buying it just does not occur to you and, for example, one of the very common practices here is that you don’t leave your house alone. Also, generally speaking, the way the houses are built here, they don’t often burn, so there’s nothing or very little chance to lose anything in a fire.
(Beach houses, Nicaragua, pictured.)
Posted March 9, 2016