Does Nicaragua quarantine pets, such as dogs or cats?
Tuey Murdock - Title Coordination Services (TCS)
There is no quarantine requirement for pets, such as dogs and cats arriving in Nicaragua. However, you must have a current veterinary letter stating the animal is healthy, along with your pet's vaccination / inoculation records.
There is no quarantine requirement for pets, such as dogs and cats arriving in Nicaragua. However, you must have a current veterinary letter stating the animal is healthy, along with your pet's vaccination / inoculation records.
Posted February 28, 2014
Daniel Snider - Snider's Realty Nicaragua

(Koko the acting dog, getting the red carpet treatment, pictured.)
Posted April 7, 2015
Linda Carlson

I was forewarned that Nicaragua would quarantine pets even with the paperwork that I had when I brought my dog, Cuddle Bear to Nicaragua. However, everything went fine. As long as I had those papers, they didn’t quarantine.
(Puppy in travel crate, pictured.)

I was forewarned that Nicaragua would quarantine pets even with the paperwork that I had when I brought my dog, Cuddle Bear to Nicaragua. However, everything went fine. As long as I had those papers, they didn’t quarantine.
(Puppy in travel crate, pictured.)
Posted August 6, 2015