Is Nicaragua a good place for preppers to have their bugout location? Is Nicaragua a good place for survivalists?
Mike Cobb - ECI Development
Posted February 13, 2014
Juan Carlos Espinosa - Hacienda Puerta del Cielo Ecolodge & Spa
Posted August 7, 2014
Carlos Roman Gutierrez Solis - Casa Granada Properties
However, if the...
However, if the government in Nicaragua finds out that those in your group are pedophiles, you deal in pornography or there are drugs, you would be out. The government is very strict in removing people like that. But, on the other hand, if you follow the rules, you’ll be fine.
If you would just like to come to Nicaragua and live without any assistance like government electricity, water, etc., you could do it. We already have lots of poor people in Nicaragua who live like this every day.
Posted August 15, 2014
Jewel Hoff - Tierra de los Suenos

I had a situation one night where a police officer came over and demanded the rifle we had be handed in. My guard said, “No, I’m not handing you my rifle.” The police could not enter my property legally. It’s just like what happens in the US; they cannot enter. So...

I had a situation one night where a police officer came over and demanded the rifle we had be handed in. My guard said, “No, I’m not handing you my rifle.” The police could not enter my property legally. It’s just like what happens in the US; they cannot enter. So Nicaragua is good for a bugout location because the government respects your property right and doesn’t just burst in, unless you’ve done something terribly against the law.
Also, Nicaragua has places with access to water, which are defendable, where you can grow your own food, and be off the grid. You can build anything you want. For example, the Nicaraguans build what we would call “earth homes.” They’ve been doing this for years. Nobody will tell you not to build an earth home. They do have freedom here, believe it or not.
They have these big containers of water that you can put on your land. What I would suggest to anybody is buy land with a stream or a river on it. You can do that here in the mountains, although I don’t know the other areas of Nicaragua.
Everything grows here. Plant it and it’s going to sprout. It’s amazing. The things that you buy like cilantro and certain vegetables, they just grow wild. It’s a farmer’s paradise.
Posted September 27, 2015
Zachary Lunin - Aurora Beachfront Realty
If you want to be isolated or on your own, there is certainly the land to do so and many opportunities in Nicaragua. In order to have access to water, you can dig your own well, the feasibility of which will determine your best location. ...
If you want to be isolated or on your own, there is certainly the land to do so and many opportunities in Nicaragua. In order to have access to water, you can dig your own well, the feasibility of which will determine your best location. You can either have a hand-dug well or a drilled well. There are some places in Nicaragua that are better for wells than others, but access to well water is definitely available.
There are a lot of people in and around San Juan Del Sur who are able to live off the grid. If you want a fully functioning system 365 days a year, you would probably have to work with both wind and solar. The wind direction in San Juan Del Sur is always offshore so you can take that into consideration. There is always plenty of wind in San Juan Del Sur for wind generation. We also get a lot of sun. There are a number of real estate projects that are off the grid in San Juan del Sur, so preparing yourself to live off the grid is a relatively easy thing to do.
Posted February 12, 2016
Joseph Bowersmith
I personally would not consider Nicaragua as a bugout location. Usually in any scenario that might cause one to bugout from North America the first mode of transportation to be grounded is air. So you are going to have to plan for ground travel, which would cause several problems with borders that could be closed at any time and fuel for your transportation. Any location that uses more than one tank of fuel requires dealing with strangers in a crisis situation.
I personally would not consider Nicaragua as a bugout location. Usually in any scenario that might cause one to bugout from North America the first mode of transportation to be grounded is air. So you are going to have to plan for ground travel, which would cause several problems with borders that could be closed at any time and fuel for your transportation. Any location that uses more than one tank of fuel requires dealing with strangers in a crisis situation.
Maybe if you have a sailboat and can bypass the problems of land travel and you still want to consider Nicaragua. You will have to consider that during your prolonged absence from the property any buildings will be broken into and things stolen. You may also have to deal with squatters.
(Sailing around Central America, pictured.)
Posted April 12, 2016