Is there good bus service in San Miguel de Allende?
Carlos Williams
Taking a bus in San Miguel de Allende costs only 5 pesos (30 cents). The buses here are clean and safe. I take the bus a lot. There are bigger buses that go to the surrounding cities like Queretaro that are very nice, too. Those buses cost 200 to 300 pesos ($12 to $18) from San Miguel de Allende to Queretaro, which is about an hour and a half away from San Miguel. (Queretaro is the fastest growing city in Latin America.)
(The aqueducts of Queretaro, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted September 13, 2016
(Home in the golf course community of Las Ventanas de San Miguel, San Miguel de...
(Home in the golf course community of Las Ventanas de San Miguel, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted February 12, 2017