What’s it like being a single woman in San Miguel de Allende?
Cathy Rocha

San Miguel de...

San Miguel de Allende is full of so many retired single women that I began to really notice the absence of men in a room, at a dinner table, in a restaurant, or wherever I went, but I didn’t give it any thought.
Percentage-wise, there used to be more single women in San Miguel de Allende than where I’m from in Northern California, but that’s not the case anymore. It’s more of a norm, and it’s more acceptable now for women to be on their own than it was in my parents’ generation, and because of that, I don’t really think there are more single women in San Miguel de Allende now.
San Miguel de Allende is an attractive town for creative, adventurous women who are interested in an extension of their lifestyle in wherever it was that they lived. It’s easy to meet people here in San Miguel de Allende because people are open to that, and they have time for it because they’re not working any longer. I’m sure there are more single women here than there are single men.
(Young women in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted December 9, 2016
Mary Agnes McKay

As far as living alone in San Miguel de Allende and concerns about safety, I have never, at any time, felt unsafe in San Miguel de Allende. For example, I was somewhere today, and I was thinking, “Why am I walking here by myself?”
I would not walk the streets at night alone in San Miguel de Allende. I would not do that in my town in Pennsylvania, either, which is not a crime-ridden city at all, and that is common sense. In the daytime, I feel fine walking outside by myself.
I rode the bus in San Miguel de Allende two days ago, which I did for the first four years I lived here, when I would take the bus three days a week in town. I’ve been driving since, so I haven’t had any occasion to take the bus in San Miguel de Allende, and I miss the interaction. As I got on the bus, a Mexican woman who was younger than I and who probably thought I was extremely elderly stood up to give me her seat, and insisted that I sit there. Another Mexican woman who was closer to my age and had a cane got on the bus, and I stood up to get her to sit. She said, “Oh no.” So in Spanish, I said to her, “Yes, please do, because this is your country and I’m a visitor. Please have the seat.” And with that she took the seat.
In many places in San Miguel de Allende where I’m the only American, I notice the courtesy of the Mexican people not because it’s an uncomfortable situation, but because their courtesy is something I look for. Anytime I’m on the bus, I seem to be the only Gringo there. At first, I sense that feeling of being looked at, and that’s good, because that increases my sensitivity of how minorities feel. They’re very much a minority in my community at home, so I sense that, and that’s good. I like that. That made me grow and made me stretch.
I spend two months here in San Miguel de Allende in the fall, and there are lots of snowbirds here then. The population of expats jumps during the winter months, so you see them everywhere. Before the fall, when I’m in town in San Miguel de Allende, I can walk three blocks and not see another Gringo.
(Street in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted December 11, 2016
Nancy Howze - CDR Bienes Raices San Miguel, SC

I’ve been in San Miguel de Allende since 1998, and have found it to be extraordinarily welcoming to single women. I’ve been single and living in San Miguel de Allende since my daughter was three, and she’s 42 now.
I’ve been in San Miguel de Allende since 1998, and have found it to be extraordinarily welcoming to single women. I’ve been single and living in San Miguel de Allende since my daughter was three, and she’s 42 now.
San Miguel de Allende isn’t a town that segregates itself in terms of gender, socioeconomic level, and sexual orientation. This town is more warm and welcoming than any place I’ve ever been. San Miguel de Allende is a much easier town for a single woman to be in and to be accepted in than other places.
(Celebration at Hotel Matilda, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted December 28, 2016