Where are the best beaches in and around Los Cabos - La Paz, Mexico?
Jimena Malagamba
La Ventana and El Sargento, where we are, on the Sea of Cortez, have some of the best beaches. Playa el Sotol (Hot Springs) is probably...
La Ventana and El Sargento, where we are, on the Sea of Cortez, have some of the best beaches. Playa el Sotol (Hot Springs) is probably the only hot springs beach we have in the whole area. It’s like burning hot water coming out through the sand. You have to dig your feet in to feel it.
La Paz (also on the Sea of Cortez) has Balandra (about 20 minutes from La Paz centro), which is in almost every magazine you’ve seen about Baja. It also has El Tecolote and El Saltito right afterwards.
The Pacific side in the Todos Santos area is a very famous beach called Cerritos. That’s a nice beach for beginners and also advanced surfers. There’s a restaurant on the beach. You can rent gear and there are two hotels there where you can stay. There’s also San Pedrito and La Pastora which are mainly for surfing.
(Playa Balandra, outside of the city of La Paz, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted June 17, 2016