What's the price of a home, condo or apartment in Los Cabos - La Paz, Mexico?
Alfonso Reynoso - Jabre Construcción
The price for a home, condo, or apartment in the Los Cabos and La Paz areas vary. Famous places tend to be more expensive. The most popular area is Cabo, where the homes can cost in the millions of dollars. It is the most expensive place in the area without a doubt.
Todos Santos is another expensive place but it’s a very calm area that people like a lot. It’s difficult to talk about the specific cost of things because it varies a lot. The...
The price for a home, condo, or apartment in the Los Cabos and La Paz areas vary. Famous places tend to be more expensive. The most popular area is Cabo, where the homes can cost in the millions of dollars. It is the most expensive place in the area without a doubt.
Todos Santos is another expensive place but it’s a very calm area that people like a lot. It’s difficult to talk about the specific cost of things because it varies a lot. The beach areas are the most expensive in all these areas. It is difficult to give an exact cost but to give you a point of reference, the cost of a beachfront lot in La Ventana (a small fishing village about 40 minutes south of La Paz known for wind sports) and Los Barriles (a town on the Pacific side which is growing) is usually higher than US $10,000 per square meter line, with the meter line going back as far as around 50 meters. It costs even more in Cabo. Each place also has different attractions that appeal to different people. You can also find a very cheap house for only US $50,000, including the lot.
If you have a house that is around 200 meters (about 2,150 square feet) with two bedrooms and two bathrooms located in a nice area in Cabo, which is not on the beach but fairly close, it would cost around $400,000 to $500,000 easily. The same house would cost around $200,000 or less in a nice area in La Paz. If you take the same house in La Ventana, it would cost around $300,000.
(Los Encantos project built by Alfonso Jabre and his brother, La Ventana Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico pictured.)
Posted July 3, 2016