How much do healthcare and medical services cost in Los Cabos - La Paz, Mexico?
Victoria Moate - Close It Fast
If you are down here even for short term there is insurance coverage that is available even for just 3 months. They do full healthcare insurance down here at a pretty reduced price compared to the US. I have seen a full health coverage that costs only $90 a month for one person. There is also different insurance you can get if you decide that you are going to get your permanent residence down here in Mexico.
Permanent residence does not mean that you become a Mexican citizen. Permanent residence just means that you don’t have to go back and forth to the United States every 6 months on a tourist visa to get your visa renewed. You can apply for your residente permanente and it is basically a 4-year period. Once you do that, there are also healthcare plans that are available through Mexico as well that are offered.
Many people do not realize that Mexico has their own Social Security system, their own equivalent of a welfare system, etc. They do have systems for lower income families. A lot of it is offered to the schools so the kids get free lunches and similar benefits. Some of the schools have some nice incentives for the children if they keep their grades on an honor roll level. They actually pay the children an amount at the end of each semester for the good grades as an incentive. There are a lot of things that people do not know about Mexico unless you live here and you are exposed to those things.
Overall, healthcare is generally affordable here in Mexico. Even just to walk in and pay is affordable.
(Pharmacy, Cabos San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted May 4, 2016
Pepe Acosta - Ventanas Hotel and Residences

For example, when I go with my kid to see a doctor, the regular consultation rate is $40, but for me it's $35 because I am given a special rate.
To deliver a baby in the hospital, the average cost could be from $2,000 to...

For example, when I go with my kid to see a doctor, the regular consultation rate is $40, but for me it's $35 because I am given a special rate.
To deliver a baby in the hospital, the average cost could be from $2,000 to $3,000. Prenatal visits would be an additional cost.
(Dr Leon Otorrino, ENT doctor in Cabos San Lucas, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted June 10, 2017