Are there American-trained doctors in Los Cabos - La Paz, Mexico?
John K. Glaab - the settlement company®

The level of care of the medical profession here is very high and a lot of the doctors do go abroad. I have an eye doctor in La Paz who goes all over the world attending conferences. He told me once that he was going...

The level of care of the medical profession here is very high and a lot of the doctors do go abroad. I have an eye doctor in La Paz who goes all over the world attending conferences. He told me once that he was going to Toronto and then he told me he was going to Frankfurt instead because the Canadian dollar is so low against the US dollar.
(The currency situation has had a major effect here in Mexico. The Canadian dollar is now at $1.41 to the US dollar. If you are Canadian, you are going to find it pretty hard to buy down here in Mexico. On the other hand, if you are from the US, you have a field day, because the US dollar is so strong compared to the peso so it is a terrific opportunity for people from the States to come to Mexico with their US dollars and buy here. )
(International students at the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara medical school program, Guadalajara, Mexico, pictured.
Posted February 12, 2016
Lana Nixon - La Ventana Bay Properties

There are elective surgeries and elective dentistry that takes place here that is much more affordable than in the US, but with the same kind of technology and expertise as you would find in the States or Canada.
If I had a health concern here where I live in the La Ventana area, between La Paz and Cabo San Lucas,...

There are elective surgeries and elective dentistry that takes place here that is much more affordable than in the US, but with the same kind of technology and expertise as you would find in the States or Canada.
If I had a health concern here where I live in the La Ventana area, between La Paz and Cabo San Lucas, I would first explore all my options here in Mexico. Then if I had a major, long term health concern or needed some kind of surgery, I would probably feel free to go back to my home country. My reason for that is because in this case I would feel more comfortable being in a place where English is spoken and where my family is based. If you are seriously ill, then you may be inclined to go back to your home country.
There are other people here who have lived their lives out here and maybe they have gone up north and been advised that they should be in a home or that they should be closer to medical care in their own country and said, “The heck with that! I’m just going to go back to Mexico and get my healthcare taken care of down there.
(Ad for botox treatment, One World Hospital, Cabos San Lucas, Mexico, pictured.)
I don’t think you would really know the answer to what you would do until you are in that situation. But for regular day to day stuff like if you need to have regular check-ups or if you need to get a blood test done, a doctor’s visit, or a visit to a specialist like a gynecologist or a dermatologist, then you are going to get the best care here in Mexico. That’s what I do.
I don’t think you would really know the answer to what you would do until you are in that situation. But for regular day to day stuff like if you need to have regular check-ups or if you need to get a blood test done, a doctor’s visit, or a visit to a specialist like a gynecologist or a dermatologist, then you are going to get the best care here in Mexico. That’s what I do.
Posted May 1, 2016
Cathie Smith LoCicero - Cathie Smith Insurance

All throughout Mexico you're going to see very young doctors because they can go straight to medical school. They don't have to get a four-year general education degree like we do it in the United States. For example, one of my grandsons is going through his medical education in the United States right...

All throughout Mexico you're going to see very young doctors because they can go straight to medical school. They don't have to get a four-year general education degree like we do it in the United States. For example, one of my grandsons is going through his medical education in the United States right now. He already earned his four-year degree and now he is starting his pre-med courses. In contrast, in Mexico, they can go straight from high school to medical school, where their subjects are combined.
I always tell people who say, "Oh my gosh! I'm afraid of that doctor. He looks like a baby" that doctors in Mexico are just as well trained as the doctors in the United States. They just look younger because they go directly to medical school, and then go on to do their specialties, do their residencies, and do their public service. They're very well trained doctors. Most of the doctors I have met in Los Cabos have also gone to the United States to study specialties and take special courses.
I have no issues and am not afraid to go to doctors here in Los Cabos – La Paz. As a matter of fact, I prefer it. I only had one doctor in the United States who spent as much time with me as a Mexican doctor would. I thanked him and said, "I'm so surprised that you spent this much time talking to me as an American doctor because I'm so used to and spoiled by that in Mexico when you go in and talk to a doctor there." I just feel the doctors in Mexico really listen to you, pay attention to you, and explain things.
One of the reasons why people want to go back to the United States or go back to Canada for medical care is because they already have doctors back home and they're familiar with their hospitals back home. In the United States, hospitals generally have much more equipment compared to hospitals in Mexico, but this depends on where you are treated in Mexico. For example, in Los Cabos, there's a huge new hospital called the H+, which can do just about anything except a heart transplant and they have state-of-the-art equipment.
The reason that most people want to come back to the United States is not because they're afraid of the doctors in Mexico, but because they want to get home so their friends and family could visit them if they're in the hospital. That counts. And of course, a lot of people have more insurance back in the United States or Canada.
I'm totally confident of all the doctors I have seen here in Los Cabos, La Paz, and Guadalajara.
(Ad for Hospital H+ Los Cabos, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted June 3, 2017
Pepe Acosta - Ventanas Hotel and Residences

I have a kid and friends who sometimes need to go to the hospital. The service from the hospitals here in Los Cabos is very good because the medical staff do not think only of...

I have a kid and friends who sometimes need to go to the hospital. The service from the hospitals here in Los Cabos is very good because the medical staff do not think only of people who live here, but also of people who go on vacation or need special treatment. These hospitals know that they must provide the same level of service that tourists are used to in their own countries or other cities for Los Cabos to be considered a high-end destination for people who go on vacation here.
Our company has two hospitals that we have a very close relationship with. These hospitals give homeowners from our communities special treatment and rates. They also provide home delivery service from the hospital pharmacy free of charge. People can call the hospital pharmacy and the medicine will be delivered to where you want it brought as long as you have a prescription. The hospital also gives special rates to our community homeowners for annual tests.
These kinds of things are very important to our company because we must take care of the people who are living in our communities. Our homeowners need to be assured that if they live in Los Cabos full time, they will receive the services that they need. That's why we get in touch with these hospitals to give us these special rates.
Our company also sends special promotions to all our community homeowners through our Friday newsletter. Once a month, one of these hospitals will give us health kits. We also offer spa kits and other promos to our community homeowners.
(Operating room in Hospital H +, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted June 7, 2017
Paul Clark - East Cape Homes

We’ve had multiple injuries and family problems over the years, and we have been to one of the smaller hospitals in San José del Cabo. The services of...

We’ve had multiple injuries and family problems over the years, and we have been to one of the smaller hospitals in San José del Cabo. The services of this small hospital- from taking our medical records to giving us treatment, have been exceptional. These are services that we would expect in Canada, so we are very satisfied with the services here in San José del Cabo.
A lot of the doctors in San José del Cabo have undergone specialized training in Canada or in the United States just as Americans come to Mexico for their medical training. The doctors in San José del Cabo have very good education.
Most of the doctors in private hospitals in San José del Cabo speak English or have an associate who speaks English. My Spanish is rustic- I understand quite well but my enunciation and verb construction are both a little rough. Despite this, I don’t have any problem at all going to the doctor here in San José del Cabo.
If someone who doesn’t speak any Spanish would go to the doctor, he’d be fine because most of the doctors here in San José del Cabo speak 100% English.
(Promotional ad for Hospital H+ Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted October 31, 2017