How much of my stuff should I move to Mexico?
Samantha Arnold

We did not have a moving budget when we relocated from Canada to Mexico, and so for us there was no possibility of bringing our stuff with us. We sold our house in Canada with all of our furniture included, and gave away things like dishes and décor. For people coming to Mexico temporarily, storing furniture and other items might be an option to consider if they are prepared to rent a place already furnished. In our case, we left Canada with whatever could fit in our suitcases and started over once we arrived! The total of our moving costs were the extra baggage fees for the airline.
This was the best solution for us, but you should be aware that the cost of setting up a house in Mexico can also be quite expensive. Most household items, particularly appliances, furniture, and electronics, will cost quite a bit more than they would in Canada. You may find things in Mexico that are comparable in price to things that you can buy in Canada but often the quality is not what Canadians or Americans might be used to.
So it really comes down to a careful consideration of the costs of shipping vs the costs of buying new, which will vary by distance, currency, location in Mexico, and intangible things like sentimental attachments.
(Modern furniture in Mexico City apartment, pictured.)
Posted November 14, 2015
Liliana Cota - Stewart Title Baja and Stewart Title Puerto Peñasco

You have to go to the Mexican customs and show them the documents showing that you just bought a house in Mexico and you are moving in with your things. I do not know if the law has changed but as far as I know, you do not need legal advice in order to move your things to Mexico if you bought a property here. You just cross with your truckload of your things, declare that they are your belongings, and that you are moving them into your new property in Mexico. They will record that you have crossed to Mexico with all your things once, so you cannot do it a second time.
(Homes on the beach in Rocky Point, also known as Puerto Pensaco, near the Arizona and Mexico border, pictured.)
Posted April 23, 2016
Joan Silver

(Entryway into the living room, Ajijic, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted January 11, 2017
Tobi Moree

Some folks have gone through the consulate process, and imported themselves while others have used the broker, who largely functions as the moving company. Some folks have had vastly different outcomes with brokers, just like any other moving service. We chose to forego the broker in our move from California to Baja and trucked it across ourselves using a combination of trailers and a detailed manifest. And yes, I did move the entire contents of a 3 bedroom house; didn't want to part with family antiques and other items that recreate my comfort zone.
We paid the importation tax that totaled about $1,500 USD. Including trailer rentals, we approximate that it cost us $2,000 USD less than using a broker. When all was unpacked and in place, the only casualty was a piece of glass that needed to be replaced in a cabinet -- which was easily handled locally for $10 USD. Certainly a factor in your decision will depend upon the distance between where you are now and where you are moving to in Mexico. For us, it was just a 6 hour trek / 320 miles. Hope this helps.
(Campers and trailers, Rocky Point, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted January 12, 2017
Sheryl Novak - SOLutions Mexico Furniture Store

Then when you get here - will the items that worked in your hometown climate work...

Then when you get here - will the items that worked in your hometown climate work here? If you have any IKEA items, they are prone to termites. If you are in a humid area, that will also cause you problems with some of your items.
What is making it far more simple and cost effective is the opportunity to purchase furniture and household items online. You don't have the stress, headaches and hassles and you can get nice items shipped directly to your condo or casa in Mexico. Check for a company that works with Mexican manufacturers - there are some brands such as Palliser who have manufacturing plants in Saltillo Mexico - you cannot beat Palliser for upholstered furniture. The most comfortable and well made! And you can get their items right in Mexico.
With more and more options of online furniture stores in Mexico, it just might be the better option to buy rather than ship.
Posted January 23, 2017
Andre Bellon - Bellon Insurance Agents
Bring your clothing because...
Bring your clothing because clothing made in the United States is of much better quality than clothing made in Mexico. The rest of the things you need for your home are readily available here in Mexico and can be bought at cheaper prices. There’s really good quality furniture here in Mexico, at much cheaper prices.
(Magy Cardona (your right) shows Jet Metier of Best Places in the World to Retire some furniture options at her resale store Make It Cash, Ajijic, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted February 28, 2017
Andy James

Secondly, a lot of the things that you have in the States or in Canada won’t necessarily do well in the...

Secondly, a lot of the things that you have in the States or in Canada won’t necessarily do well in the environment here in Mexico. For example, if your stuff is pine, it’s going to get eaten by bugs. If it spends all its life in a dry climate in Phoenix and you bring it to a place with high humidity, it could crack.
Importing things in Mexico is hit and miss as to a.) whether it will arrive intact; and, b.) whether you can actually get it out of the impound, and how much that’s going to cost you. And I don’t mean the cost that you expect. I mean the “extra” cost.
My advice would be to bring your clothes. If you can’t put it in a suitcase, don’t bring it. There’s plenty of stuff here in Mexico that you can get- a lot of houses here in Mexico are sold furnished. I ended up putting my stuff in storage for 8 years, and then I sold it for about 10% of what it was worth in Canada. At the end of the day, just sell it, get rid of it, and take anything that can’t be replaced, put it in a suitcase and bring it here to Mexico.
(Home tour, Merida, Mexico, pictured.)
Posted March 8, 2017
Bruce Fraser

The rooms will probably be a different size or configuration than the rooms you have in your house or apartment up North. There may be some of your stuff that won't stand up to the weather, depending on where you...

The rooms will probably be a different size or configuration than the rooms you have in your house or apartment up North. There may be some of your stuff that won't stand up to the weather, depending on where you are. In Chapala and Ajijic, we're in a particularly good, dry area. But there are a lot of areas, particularly when you're in the tourist areas on the coast, that are highly humid for six or seven months of the year. Some furniture will just curl up and rot on you if you're not careful or will get termites, depending on what kind it is.
The cost to move in stuff to Mexico is overwhelmed by the cost of maintaining it once you're here. I would just sell, give away, or donate. When I moved to Mexico, I brought a small trailer full of stuff down. When my ex-wife moved back up North, she took the trailer full of stuff back with her.
If I had to do it all over again, I'd bring much less. I know there are some possessions that you really don't want to part with, such as a favorite rocking chair or a painting that your great uncle left you when he passed away. But you have to think in terms of, "will that painting end up full of bugs if I bring it down here? Will that rocking chair end up being eaten up by termites if I bring it down here?"
(Mexican furniture, pictured.)
Posted June 1, 2017
Chuck Bolotin - Best Mexico Movers
At one extreme, there are people will tell you to sell pretty much everything, arrive with just two suitcases and live a life without the need for material items or that you can get everything you "need" in Mexico. These people can at times, be quite strident.
I would advise you not to allow...
At one extreme, there are people will tell you to sell pretty much everything, arrive with just two suitcases and live a life without the need for material items or that you can get everything you "need" in Mexico. These people can at times, be quite strident.
I would advise you not to allow yourself to be bullied.
Without regard to whether it is better to live with "things" or without them, factually, you cannot get everything you want or need at a reasonable price in Mexico. Just off the top of my head, I can report that people have told me that they can't find at a reasonable price items such as comfortable beds, ovens with thermostats (who even knew to ask?), middle of the road clothing, or comfortable furniture.
There is also the comfort of having around you things you may have had for decades and worked long and hard to obtain and just make you feel good, in addition to sentimental items. Do you really want to just get rid of these things?
And this is not just a "Gringo Thing". I know several Mexican families that went to live in the US and upon return to Mexico, gave up many household items, and 10 years later, still deeply regret not having these items any longer.
Of course, you just have to find your own comfort level. One thing I can strongly advise, however, is not to let other's people's views intimidate you, especially those who tell you to sell everything. I have talked to lots of people who regretted just that, only when, sadly, it was too late.
Moving your household goods to Mexico? Contact Best Mexico Movers.
Posted July 1, 2018
Mark Gall
Personally, I would not take very much. Most things necessary can be purchased there, and I’ve found that too much stuff interferes with life. You may be different, but how much stuff back home do you actually need and use regularly? Having spent 8 years traveling in Central/South America and Asia, and living for some time in various places, I now keep possessions to a minimum, and life is much simpler.
Personally, I would not take very much. Most things necessary can be purchased there, and I’ve found that too much stuff interferes with life. You may be different, but how much stuff back home do you actually need and use regularly? Having spent 8 years traveling in Central/South America and Asia, and living for some time in various places, I now keep possessions to a minimum, and life is much simpler.
Posted July 14, 2018