The best places in the world to retire are plac

For example, one of the things that we love so much about Brazil is the way of life. At 9 o’clock at night, you don’t see people sitting at home and watching TV shows. In Brazil, at 9 o’clock in the evening, people still walk up and down the streets, visiting neighbors and sitting outside of the cafés while having a coffee or a beer. Also at night, kids are still out playing. These are the activities in Brazil seven nights a week.
People in Brazil are still active, out doing things at night. This is one of the things that made me fall in love with Brazil.
When living abroad, you have to like the lifestyle of the people living in that country, or you’re not going to like living there. It’s different for everyone- one way of life may appeal to me but may not appeal to other people.
Brazil is louder; there’s more noise in Brazil than there is in the US. In Italy and other similar countries in Europe, the people are loud, exuberant, fun and outgoing. If your idea of living abroad in retirement is being in a safe, gate-guarded community with lawns, there are many places that would be great for that. On the other hand, if your idea of living abroad is to watch people and be around exciting culture and activities, then places like Brazil or Italy will appeal to you.
Another factor in choosing the best place in the world to retire is your age, health, and general ability and desire to move around. Some things may be better for younger and single people, while other things may be better for people who are older. For example, if you’re older and are living in an area that is known for beautiful beaches and resorts, you may not be able to take advantage of those amenities or enjoy the lifestyle there if you don’t have the health for it. In this case, you may enjoy another location better. However, this is not always the case. There are plenty of people in their 70’s and 80’s who could probably beat me at hiking on a good day.
(Retirees dancing in the streets of Merida, Mexico, pictured.)