What's the crime rate in general in Placencia, Belize?
Boris Mannsfeld - Boris Mannsfeld & Associates
The crime rate in Placencia is extremely low. The last murder was 8 years ago. Whenever tourists come, thieves steal cellphones or sunglasses, or gadgets like iPhones and iPads. They love anything Apple. But the thieves will not attack you in order to steal. Most of the stealing happens when you go to a bar or go to the beach, you leave you cellphone on the table and when you come back, it’s gone. Or you go out at night and leave the door to your hotel room unlocked then in the...
The crime rate in Placencia is extremely low. The last murder was 8 years ago. Whenever tourists come, thieves steal cellphones or sunglasses, or gadgets like iPhones and iPads. They love anything Apple. But the thieves will not attack you in order to steal. Most of the stealing happens when you go to a bar or go to the beach, you leave you cellphone on the table and when you come back, it’s gone. Or you go out at night and leave the door to your hotel room unlocked then in the morning your iPhone is gone.
Posted December 1, 2014
Veronique McKenzie - CTTBeliZe
We hear about a lot of crimes in the news but I still say that, in Placencia, we have close to none. Placencia is a very safe place. I have been in this business for 17 years and know about every little thing that happens in Placencia. At times, there will be some pick pocketing, which happens everywhere. I can also remember the incident when some guests at our facility who were single went out all...
We hear about a lot of crimes in the news but I still say that, in Placencia, we have close to none. Placencia is a very safe place. I have been in this business for 17 years and know about every little thing that happens in Placencia. At times, there will be some pick pocketing, which happens everywhere. I can also remember the incident when some guests at our facility who were single went out all night and got very drunk and then in the morning found out that their phone or camera was missing.
Belize is becoming modernized now, so we have Internet and all the new technologies, which causes most people feel like it’s home. They go to the beach and leave the cabin door open or they leave the keys in front of the door or it they leave their camera close to an open window.
There was one time when there were five ladies covered in jewelry who went to the bar and invited some guys back to their cabin for more partying. They woke up and one or two of their iPads went missing. The door was left open.
Sometimes stolen items can be retrieved since Placencia is very small and we all know each other. If something goes missing, we are very big on Facebook and we post these incidents. We should receive an award for being on Facebook. It seems like there is not one person in this country who does not have a Facebook account. By doing this, we are able to retrieve lost or stolen items. As a property manager, I have encountered five incidents in 17 years and all that time, we were able to retrieve what was stolen. Two of the incidents were the guests’ fault. The other two were because we had a bad guy in town who robbed not only my two little places but some others, too. He got caught. He was not from Placencia. In general, thieves do not come from Placencia. We do not have too many thieves in Placencia and most of them are not from here.
That’s the total of most of the crimes that I’ve heard of in 17 years that I’ve been in Belize in my business.
(Pictured: beachfront apartment in Placencia.)
Posted June 24, 2015