What's the dress code in Corozal? What clothes do they wear in Corozal?
Daryl Blomdahl
I would describe the dress code in Corozal as flip-flops, shorts, and a t-shirt. It was very casual; very low key.
My wife would say that the dress code is flip-flops and throw or something. The women dress very casually as well but a little more dressed up. But my wife just dresses up anyway. Her dress code would just be an upgraded version. My wife likes to look nice. My wife couldn’t wear just t-shirts and flip-flops. ...
I would describe the dress code in Corozal as flip-flops, shorts, and a t-shirt. It was very casual; very low key.
My wife would say that the dress code is flip-flops and throw or something. The women dress very casually as well but a little more dressed up. But my wife just dresses up anyway. Her dress code would just be an upgraded version. My wife likes to look nice. My wife couldn’t wear just t-shirts and flip-flops.
The dress code would be typical of if you went to Maui. I would wear the same type of clothes there as I do in Corozal or in Belize in general.
The other thing is, you have to remember it’s hot in Corozal and in Belize in general. You don’t really want to be in long pants and long shirt because you’ll roast.
(Corozal beach, Belize, pictured.)
Posted September 9, 2016
Tony and Beth McClure
The dress code in Corozal is shorts and either t-shirts or short-sleeved shirts. I only took a pair of slacks one time because I had a meeting scheduled with some people at the embassy. I just thought, just out of respect, I’d wear slacks. I certainly didn’t have a jacket or a tie. At this meeting, there were others like me who were wearing slacks, but still others who were there in shorts.
The women in Corozal wear anything from sundresses to gym...
The dress code in Corozal is shorts and either t-shirts or short-sleeved shirts. I only took a pair of slacks one time because I had a meeting scheduled with some people at the embassy. I just thought, just out of respect, I’d wear slacks. I certainly didn’t have a jacket or a tie. At this meeting, there were others like me who were wearing slacks, but still others who were there in shorts.
The women in Corozal wear anything from sundresses to gym shorts to khaki shorts, to blue jean shorts. If you would like, you could dress up in nice clothes.
I was kidding one of my buddies recently. Here was our conversation.
“You shaved this morning, didn’t you?”
“Man, you’re going to stick out like a sore thumb.”
The dress code in Corozal is the epitome of casual. Certainly, there are places and occasions if one wanted to dress up a little, one could. A friend of ours took a sundress, and was comfortable.
("Welcome to Belize" t-shirt designed by Jet Metier of Best Places of the World to Retire, pictured.)
Posted November 8, 2016