Who are the residents of Corozal? Who lives in Corozal?
Dennis Jackman
In Corozal, the residents are mostly Belizeans, Mexicans, and Northerners. A lot of Belizeans are descendants from Mexico, and constitute 90% of the population of Corozal. Five percent would be Northerners, and the other 5% would be others, like Garifuna. The Garifuna are down south, so the percentages drastically change as you go down south.
(Mexico Belize frontier, pictured.)
In Corozal, the residents are mostly Belizeans, Mexicans, and Northerners. A lot of Belizeans are descendants from Mexico, and constitute 90% of the population of Corozal. Five percent would be Northerners, and the other 5% would be others, like Garifuna. The Garifuna are down south, so the percentages drastically change as you go down south.