How's the weather in Corozal? What's the average temperature in Corozal?
Grant D'Eall
The average temperature in Corozal is 88 degrees most days. Coming into the rainy season, it cools down a bit. People who are relocating like to stay closer to the water because of the continuous breeze to the point where air-conditioning is not really required for a home.
It is hot here in Corozal most days and you just have to deal with it and maybe have a couple of showers a day. Some people have close enough proximity to the water that they swim just...
The average temperature in Corozal is 88 degrees most days. Coming into the rainy season, it cools down a bit. People who are relocating like to stay closer to the water because of the continuous breeze to the point where air-conditioning is not really required for a home.
It is hot here in Corozal most days and you just have to deal with it and maybe have a couple of showers a day. Some people have close enough proximity to the water that they swim just to cool off. It is just the way it is. We have a hot climate.
I perspired easily when I first got to Belize. I moved here in the month of August when it was especially hot. I rented a home in Belize City that only had one air-conditioner in the bedroom. I couldn’t even sit on the couch because I was sticking to it. I negotiated with the landlady to have some air-conditioners put in to make it tolerable.
I have air-conditioning in my car and in my office but I always had a sweat rag with me because when you’re walking outside you are going to be hot. At first, I was complaining a bit about it, but then I realized, “Wait a minute. I need to stop complaining because it is better than scraping ice off of the windshield and shoveling snow off the driveway.” You just deal with it, go through a few more shirts and have a few more showers and drink lots!
(Belize shoreline at night, pictured.)
Posted November 1, 2016
Dennis Jackman
The average temperature in Corozal is around 80 Fahrenheit. In the summer months, it’s uncomfortably warm and very humid. Right now, it’s beautiful outside. For the last 2 weeks, I haven’t even sweated. I don’t even have the fan on me today.
It goes from one extreme, but it doesn’t go to the other extreme. I use a sheet to sleep with on the coldest days, and if I’m feeling under the weather of course, it could be...
The average temperature in Corozal is around 80 Fahrenheit. In the summer months, it’s uncomfortably warm and very humid. Right now, it’s beautiful outside. For the last 2 weeks, I haven’t even sweated. I don’t even have the fan on me today.
It goes from one extreme, but it doesn’t go to the other extreme. I use a sheet to sleep with on the coldest days, and if I’m feeling under the weather of course, it could be different. We normally have two or three fans going on in the bedroom, even on the coolest nights, just to circulate air.
In the hottest time of the summer, temperature would rise up to 100 Fahrenheit during the day. Belize doesn’t have four seasons- it’s either too hot or warm. The average high in the winter is probably 75-80 Fahrenheit.
(Thatch roof house in Belize, pictured.)
Posted December 11, 2016
Mark Leonard
The weather in Corozal is warm in winter, warmer in spring, and much warmer in summer. It's not as warm in fall and winter is not as warm as fall.
(The beach at Cerros Sand, Belize, pictured.)
The weather in Corozal is warm in winter, warmer in spring, and much warmer in summer. It's not as warm in fall and winter is not as warm as fall.
(The beach at Cerros Sand, Belize, pictured.)
Posted December 13, 2016