What's the closest airport to Ambergris Caye and what are the flights to and from Ambergris Caye?
Christian Burn
Once you get to Belize City and you want to fly out, you can fly to Roatan, Guatemala City, Cancun Mexico, San Pedro in Honduras, etc. You can fly regionally quite easily out of the International Airport as well.
If you need to fly to Miami, you have to fly an International Caribbean, United, USAir or TACA for that. If you are from the US and you want to fly to Belize, you would need to get yourself an International flight with American Airlines, USAir, United, TACA, and fly into Belize City. The major gateways for Belize from the US include Charlotte, Atlanta, Miami, Houston and LA. Those are all direct flights. Delta just announced direct flights from LA to Belize City. It is pretty good. The tourist demand is there.
Posted December 2, 2014
Allan Lima


The “airport” here in Ambergris Caye is really more of an airstrip. Two airlines fly out of Ambergris Caye: Tropic Air and Maya Island Air, which charge similar prices. Their flight times are usually the same too. They travel all over the country.
If I want to go to the US or to Mexico or to any international destination, you have to go to the Belize International Airport. The local airstrip here in San Pedro only receives flights from within the country.
(Pictured: Town Park on Ambergris Caye, Belize.)
Posted June 13, 2015