What's the crime rate against Americans and other expats in Ambergris Caye?
Kate Corrigan - Caye International Bank
We do not see a lot of crimes here in Ambergris Caye. If you are on Facebook and you post a status that you are on vacation and when you come back you post that your kids have new iPads and that your husband has his new Sony PlayStation, just like anywhere in the world, you open your doors to people who might take advantage of you. Alternatively, if you keep your doors locked and live a simple life, there is not much crime. Ambergris Caye is a small island, so if one crime happens, it...
We do not see a lot of crimes here in Ambergris Caye. If you are on Facebook and you post a status that you are on vacation and when you come back you post that your kids have new iPads and that your husband has his new Sony PlayStation, just like anywhere in the world, you open your doors to people who might take advantage of you. Alternatively, if you keep your doors locked and live a simple life, there is not much crime. Ambergris Caye is a small island, so if one crime happens, it seems "ginormous," but it is not worse like someone being shot every hour in some other cities of the world. It is very safe here in Ambergris Caye. I am a mother of a 14-year old daughter who hangs out with her friends at the park. She goes to discos; I allow her to walk home, and I feel very safe.
Crimes sometimes happen to careless expats; they get pick pocketed when they are at the wrong place at the wrong time, but again, that is the same as anywhere in the world. You should not be on a back street at 2 AM. It is not that you are asking for trouble, but there is no need for you to be there, if you do not live there. Of course, there are hustlers and pickpockets wherever there are tourists anywhere, but it is not much worse here in Ambergris Caye than in other places in the world.
Posted December 21, 2014
Lisa McCorkle Guerrero - DIAMANTÉ

There are no major crimes and definitely not directed towards Americans. Out tourist industry has...

There are no major crimes and definitely not directed towards Americans. Out tourist industry has always been directed mostly towards US and Canadian citizens, so we’re not like other places in the world where they hate Americans.
(Pictured to the right are two of my favorite fishing guides in Belize, Manny and Cliff, showing off their catch that day.)
Posted September 13, 2015