What are the best things to buy in Belize as opposed to other places?
Desorine Leslie
Belize does not have a lot of selection of items to purchase. The best things to buy in Belize are the locally made products such as furniture and food products.
Belize does not have a lot of selection of items to purchase. The best things to buy in Belize are the locally made products such as furniture and food products.
Posted December 1, 2014
Christian Burn

Among the best things to buy in Belize I personally find the Rainforest Remedies products to be really interesting. The Mayan culture allowed the Mayan healers to use the indigenous plants in Belize. The healers translated that information to various individuals, who are now harvesting the plants to save people. The name of the company that does this is called the Rainforest Remedies. So they go in and extract from all the plants that have aspirin-like qualities or from...

Among the best things to buy in Belize I personally find the Rainforest Remedies products to be really interesting. The Mayan culture allowed the Mayan healers to use the indigenous plants in Belize. The healers translated that information to various individuals, who are now harvesting the plants to save people. The name of the company that does this is called the Rainforest Remedies. So they go in and extract from all the plants that have aspirin-like qualities or from plants you can use the extract for detox. They turn that into a product and they sell it back into the pharmaceutical market. They have the moringa plant (pictured), which is called the miracle plant, and which grows in the most mountainous soil in the worst regions of agriculture. The moringa plant has seven times the vitamin C of an orange and three times the potassium of a banana. It has so many healing properties.
The other thing that Belize has that's pretty exceptional because of its latitude is their cacao, which is what chocolate is made from. They can grow high quality cacao beans, dry it, and turn it into beautiful chocolate. That is another Belizean anomaly, because of their latitude. I don't know why the cacao grows in the latitude at 17 degrees, but all around the planet that’s where good cacao beans grow and from which they make high quality organic chocolates.
The other thing that Belize has that's pretty exceptional because of its latitude is their cacao, which is what chocolate is made from. They can grow high quality cacao beans, dry it, and turn it into beautiful chocolate. That is another Belizean anomaly, because of their latitude. I don't know why the cacao grows in the latitude at 17 degrees, but all around the planet that’s where good cacao beans grow and from which they make high quality organic chocolates.
Posted December 2, 2014
David Berger - Tradewinds Hospitality at Orchid Bay

Some of the best things to buy in Belize are handmade wood carvings that are really cool. We have a lot of that that we sell to tourists. People are shocked at the beauty of the hardwood here from the colors to the grain.
Belize has nice hardwood trees like Mahogany and several others that are...

Some of the best things to buy in Belize are handmade wood carvings that are really cool. We have a lot of that that we sell to tourists. People are shocked at the beauty of the hardwood here from the colors to the grain.
Belize has nice hardwood trees like Mahogany and several others that are all fine hardwoods with different colors. That is the kind of wood that artisans make cool carvings out of. They make animals, trees, and birds out of these woods. They make wine racks, chairs, walking sticks, poles, etc.
Another best thing to buy in Belize is Marie Sharp’s hot sauce, which is a local hot sauce brand here. It is one of the export products of this country. Marie Sharp’s hot sauce goes to more countries than anything else that Belize exports. It is exported even to Asia, too.
(Dog resting on the hardwood bar at Tradewinds Restaurant, Orchid Bay, Belize, pictured.)
Posted May 12, 2017