What’s the cost for home or apartment renter’s insurance in Belize?
Macarena Rose - Rainforerst Realty
On the average to get content coverage for renters insurance in Belize, you will pay about US $500. This will go up based on your value, of course.
On the average to get content coverage for renters insurance in Belize, you will pay about US $500. This will go up based on your value, of course.
Posted January 28, 2015
Phil Hahn - Carmelita Gardens

Interestingly, the average Belizean does not have homeowners insurance because most cannot afford it and it is not in their mindset. There are many that believe that you simply use common sense in life and if destiny strikes you, it was meant to be. Recently, a Belizean friend lost his...

Interestingly, the average Belizean does not have homeowners insurance because most cannot afford it and it is not in their mindset. There are many that believe that you simply use common sense in life and if destiny strikes you, it was meant to be. Recently, a Belizean friend lost his house to a fire, he was not insured with an insurance company and had no savings in the bank, but he had another kind of insurance and savings, FRIENDS.
He is a great guy and has been a true friend to many over the years and now he is in need. It is said, “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” and I witnessed it firsthand in true Belizean style. His family, friends, church and community pitched in and helped provide building materials and labor to rebuild a house for him and his family. The cost of that insurance is priceless.
(Pictured: family in Belize.)
Posted April 2, 2016