What is the cost for health insurance in Belize and how does it work?
Apolo Caliz
In Belize, it is not mandatory to have private health insurance or health care but if anybody wants to have private insurance, they would have to go to one of the major health insurance companies. We have healthcare provided by the government of Belize at no charge but you have to be a Belizean to avail yourself of that advantage.
We do not have those major institutions like you have in the US such as cancer societies and cancer institutes. We just have a small polyclinic here....
We do not have those major institutions like you have in the US such as cancer societies and cancer institutes. We just have a small polyclinic here....
In Belize, it is not mandatory to have private health insurance or health care but if anybody wants to have private insurance, they would have to go to one of the major health insurance companies. We have healthcare provided by the government of Belize at no charge but you have to be a Belizean to avail yourself of that advantage.
We do not have those major institutions like you have in the US such as cancer societies and cancer institutes. We just have a small polyclinic here. It does not matter if you are a Belizean or a foreigner, you will be treated at the polyclinic regardless. If you get the flu, you get a flu shot. Everything is free, however we do have private hospitals here, and if you do not have health insurance then going to a private hospital is going to be pretty pricey for you because it is a private institution.
I have health insurance but I go to public clinics for minor incidents. If I get into a car accident, probably my health insurance would take care of me. For minor scratches or burns, I just go to the regular polyclinic. It’s literally just across the street from my house.
We do not have those major institutions like you have in the US such as cancer societies and cancer institutes. We just have a small polyclinic here. It does not matter if you are a Belizean or a foreigner, you will be treated at the polyclinic regardless. If you get the flu, you get a flu shot. Everything is free, however we do have private hospitals here, and if you do not have health insurance then going to a private hospital is going to be pretty pricey for you because it is a private institution.
I have health insurance but I go to public clinics for minor incidents. If I get into a car accident, probably my health insurance would take care of me. For minor scratches or burns, I just go to the regular polyclinic. It’s literally just across the street from my house.
Posted December 1, 2014
Shannon Davies - El Rey Hotel / Belize Travel Services
I have insurance coverage for myself, my husband and our child, and we pay around US $150 per month. Our health insurance covers up to 80% or our medical costs.
Whenever I go to a private hospital in Belize City, the consultation bill usually is around US $30 and out of that $30, I end up paying $2.50. I had a surgery for the removal of painful internal scar tissue (adhesions) after getting a C-section. The surgery cost around US $5,500 and I only paid around US $1,000 with my...
Whenever I go to a private hospital in Belize City, the consultation bill usually is around US $30 and out of that $30, I end up paying $2.50. I had a surgery for the removal of painful internal scar tissue (adhesions) after getting a C-section. The surgery cost around US $5,500 and I only paid around US $1,000 with my...
I have insurance coverage for myself, my husband and our child, and we pay around US $150 per month. Our health insurance covers up to 80% or our medical costs.
Whenever I go to a private hospital in Belize City, the consultation bill usually is around US $30 and out of that $30, I end up paying $2.50. I had a surgery for the removal of painful internal scar tissue (adhesions) after getting a C-section. The surgery cost around US $5,500 and I only paid around US $1,000 with my policy. I was in the hospital for only two days because it was an endoscopic surgery.
Whenever I go to a private hospital in Belize City, the consultation bill usually is around US $30 and out of that $30, I end up paying $2.50. I had a surgery for the removal of painful internal scar tissue (adhesions) after getting a C-section. The surgery cost around US $5,500 and I only paid around US $1,000 with my policy. I was in the hospital for only two days because it was an endoscopic surgery.
Posted March 29, 2015
Mark Leonard
Private health insurance in Belize is available; however since public hospitals do not charge, not many folks carry it. International coverage is available. Belize has the same system as The British Commonwealth as before independence, Belize was British Honduras. If you go to a public hospital, even as an expat, or as a visitor to the country, you will be treated. The level of care, is a little bit more of an issue. You may give a little something for your...
Private health insurance in Belize is available; however since public hospitals do not charge, not many folks carry it. International coverage is available. Belize has the same system as The British Commonwealth as before independence, Belize was British Honduras. If you go to a public hospital, even as an expat, or as a visitor to the country, you will be treated. The level of care, is a little bit more of an issue. You may give a little something for your prescription that will be given to you at the hospital and its only a couple of bucks.
What I do is to maintain a major medical policy in the US, but I am looking at International policies that conform to Obamacare. I had cancer a long time ago and it was taken care of. I maintain major medical insurance just in case something comes up and I want to be treated in the US. With Obamacare my policy went up by US $300 a month to $800 a month.
In Belize, there are private doctors. You will pay maybe $15 to $20 for a visit and whatever your prescription costs.
I use the Hospitals in Belize and and a private doctor in Corozal.
Many Canadian citizens are also coming to Belize. They are allowed to travel to Belize for 7 months of the year and have to go back for 5 months to maintain their health insurance. Many have found that as they look at the economics of a full relocation, they can buy their own personal major medical policy and not return to Canada.
(In the picture are healthy and happy expats in Cerros Sands, Corozol.)
Posted May 28, 2015