How bad are the mosquitoes and other bugs and insects in Belize?
Tamrah Lozano
Belize has a subtropical climate so there are mosquitoes, bugs and other insects present mostly in the early mornings and late evening. However in most areas, most time of the year they are that not annoying.
Belize has a subtropical climate so there are mosquitoes, bugs and other insects present mostly in the early mornings and late evening. However in most areas, most time of the year they are that not annoying.
Posted December 1, 2014
Christian Burn
May through November by any stretch. Mangrove areas are significantly affected by bugs because of the thick plants there. You will find even more bugs in these areas during August, September, and October, when we get the most rainfall. Bugs and mosquitoes are very minimal during the dry season. It’s the wind during the dry season that makes the bugs unable to stand and go to where they want to go because they get blown away by the wind.
It is a little bit different in the...
It is a little bit different in the...
May through November by any stretch. Mangrove areas are significantly affected by bugs because of the thick plants there. You will find even more bugs in these areas during August, September, and October, when we get the most rainfall. Bugs and mosquitoes are very minimal during the dry season. It’s the wind during the dry season that makes the bugs unable to stand and go to where they want to go because they get blown away by the wind.
It is a little bit different in the jungle, though. When you are in the jungle, you will deal with different kinds of bugs and there are malaria mosquitoes because Belize is part of that region where malaria exists. If you are not spending a significant amount of time in the jungle, you do not have to take anti-malarial medicine. You can just use Deet, which is preventative.
The bugs and mosquitoes in Ambergris Caye are considerably less compared to other places I have been, like in Roatan in the Bay Islands of Honduras. I think the annoyance factor of bugs and mosquitoes in Belize is comparable to what we get in the countryside or the areas near the lake in Ontario, Canada.
It is a little bit different in the jungle, though. When you are in the jungle, you will deal with different kinds of bugs and there are malaria mosquitoes because Belize is part of that region where malaria exists. If you are not spending a significant amount of time in the jungle, you do not have to take anti-malarial medicine. You can just use Deet, which is preventative.
The bugs and mosquitoes in Ambergris Caye are considerably less compared to other places I have been, like in Roatan in the Bay Islands of Honduras. I think the annoyance factor of bugs and mosquitoes in Belize is comparable to what we get in the countryside or the areas near the lake in Ontario, Canada.
Posted December 2, 2014
Therese Jonch - Programme for Belize
Insects and bugs are everywhere and I think, bugs in general, are a plague as far as everybody is concerned. But it's not something that's going...
Insects and bugs are everywhere and I think, bugs in general, are a plague as far as everybody is concerned. But it's not something that's going ruin your trip or ruin your life if you live here. It is more about just knowing how to combat the bugs and insects, and how to deal with that situation. Some areas have more insects or bugs than others and there are other places that have more mosquitoes and sand flies. But again, it is just a matter of wearing the right gear and clothing. If you wear the right gear, then bugs shouldn't bother you.
Perhaps as you stay longer here in Belize, you do get a certain level of tolerance. However, it depends on how sensitive you are to bites. I've seen people coming here who are really sensitive and when they get a bug bite, they scratch and scratch, which is the number one no-no because that is when the area where you got bitten will get swollen.
Belize is a tropical country so I recommend people to bring enough bug spray or buy the bug spray that is sold here. Bringing hydrocortisone cream also helps because it helps with itching if you do get bitten by something. Generally, bug sprays work, but again it depends on where you are going. OFF lotion or spray does work but I usually use Deet because it is a little stronger.
(Drawing depicting the anatomy of a male sand fly, pictured.)
Posted April 15, 2015
Glendy Delcid

We usually have a truck from the Ministry of Health that comes around and sprays the area, which helps to make it so that we don’t have many mosquitoes or bugs. If you go to lowland areas like Belize City, which is close to the coast, there are more sandflies than mosquitoes there.
If you go to the jungles in Belize, then you would get the bigger mosquitoes; the big ones that really sting. When we you go out to the jungle we always take our repellants. That’s a recommendation when you are going to the forest or anywhere. Always take a repellant.
Most people use OFF spray and Deep Woods, which is the strongest one, but personally, I use a natural one that’s made here in Belize. It is not homemade personally, but it’s made here in Belize by a company, where its offered for sale. It’s not very common to find but you can find it in certain drug stores. It’s a lotion that has eucalyptus and a lot of natural plants that help repel bugs and insects. It also serves as an after bite remedy as well. It works for me a lot and I really like it. It costs about the same as OFF spray.
I don’t think mosquitoes and other bugs would be a problem unless if you are really, really allergic or if you really don’t like mosquitoes at all. But I think the islands are worth getting the mosquito bites! The islands are beautiful and if you are a person who loves the sea and the beaches and the surroundings, it is worth going there.
(Eucalyptus viridisin cultivated for the production of eucalyptus oil, pictured.)
Posted April 17, 2015